World of Warcraft
Druid Guide 2/2

Spirit Vs. Int

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Being so versatile, the tactical options for the Druid are vast.  I will offer some great strategies you can use.  But keep in mind, there are many more beyond what I recommend.  

The druid is not a pure tank, nor a pure healer.  Its pretty obvious that he is a great solo'er, able to do both, but what about how should a druid play in a group?  In my experience, the best druids will play the following baseline tactic in groups, making them most valuable:

The druid will fall back, behind the tanks, and with the casters.  When the mob is pulled, the druid shoots or heals party members as needed.  He reserves his bear/cat forms for emergency crowd control.  When the mob rushes the back-end (casters), the Druid bear forms, pulling the aggro off the casters.  Playing this tactic adds great cohesion to a group, since the casters don't have to worry about fleeing and dispersing the party, and you will find that this situation comes up numerous times.  Your group will certainly find that you are a valuable asset to their team.  Stay back and cast, and only use forms when a creature breaks the front line, rather than being in the front line yourself. 

The druid gets the spell Faerie Fire, which is a great anti-rogue spell, breaking vanish, something Rogues have on a hotkey.   This is highly useful in PvP, as well as the rooting ability of a druid.   





Obviously, since a druid is so versatile, all the attributes become valuable.  Here is my take on what precedence to give various attributes (overall, I like spirit the best)

Bear form : Str/Stam

Cat form : Agility

Group healer : Intelligence

Soloing in Caster form : Primary Spirit, secondary Intelligence


Once again, I recommend ALchemy/Herbalism for the Druid.  This comes in more than handy as a Druid gets the additions of potion buffs to his own.  First Aid might not sound useful, since the druid has heals, but trust me it is!  Being able to have 3 sources of healing (spells, alchemy, and bandages) only gives you that much more longevity in the HP department, something Druids lack (esp. night elves) .  Tip: cast Hibernate on nearby aggros when collecting herbs. This helps in gathering such herbs as Kingsblood and Briarthrons in the Barrens.

Additional Help:

A great walkthru for the Trial of the Sea Lion quest can be found here:

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