This site is NOT affiliated with any gaming company.
World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
No claims are made to any trademark or copyrighted material and, to the extent used, are used
fairly for the purposes of supplementing commentary and critique. Additionally, no claim is made
whatsoever that the content herein is in anyway affiliated with any gaming
company. Purchases are strictly for forum membership, my time, and a
compendium of my personal opinions regarding online gaming.
References to copyrighted material are strictly to supplement my personal
opinions, commentary, and critiques. The application of and responsibility
of using the software provided on this site is entirely upon the
individual using it. All the software available on this site is 'General
Purpose' and not specific to a single application (meaning that it can be used
with a variety of applications, as the user must configure the software to be
used with a specific application as as there are no mentions of copywritten
games whatsoever embedded in the software). All responsibility and any
consequences for using the software lies with the user
The entire risk resulting from the use or performance of this product,
documentation and associated products and everything provided by this site
remains completely with the user or recipient. The Author makes no
claim whatsoever of any affiliation with any copyrighted material or any
endorsement of its use.