I'm going to begin the series with Ordos because it is my favorite house. I especially love ordos vs. atreides in large maps because of its ability to wipe out mino armies like spraying gnats with RAID.
First of all, when playing Ordos against Atr, always choose FREMEN as one of your subhouses.

I think all of us can kill a mino hoarde given enough troops.  But the key to winning a game is that whenever you attack someone, you lose LESS than your opponent.  If you run 30 buzzsaws into 5 minos and 10 kindjal, you MIGHT be able to kill them all, but you are going to suffer much heavier losses.   Our goal is to kill the mino hoarde by taking LESS casualties than our opponent, and that is what I am going to show you how to do.

I have put together a 16 part slideshow showing you exactly how to take out a mino hoarde  fortified with kindjal and snipers.  Everything depicted in the slideshow is exactly what happened in a real scenario.   I had one of my friends set up a mino hoarde while I attacked it taking multiple snapshots and saving them to files.  I show you exactly how I attack it and defeat it step by step.  Of cousre, no 2 game situations are exactly the same-  so duplicating my exact moves would not work for you every time.  But what I am trying to explain are the TACTICS that you can use to take out the hoarde.  And hopefully, you will gain some valuable insight on how to do this seemingly impossible task.

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