Killing Guild:  There are 4 primary ways to kill guild tanks:  kindjal (atreides only), fremen, sards, and troopers (harkonnen and ordos).  These are the best units you can use against guild for base defense. Ordos laser tanks are very nice as well, along with gunships, mongoose, missle tanks, other guild tanks, or projection units.  But when building a base,  I do not recommend you have a fleet of laser tanks just sitting around in your base for guild defense.  Its much more of a space saver and better use of your resources to have a bunch of rocket troopers positioned inside your base instead.  Lets begin with Fremen as seen in this first slide.

I think that many players don't realize that fremen do more damage close up than they do from maximum range.  When you tell your fremen to attack something from a distance, they will always fire from maximum range.  The best way to attack with fremen is to get them as close as possible to the target w/o revealing themselves and then attack.  They will do much more damage.   The fremen weapon is sonic, similar to a sonic tank.    And sonic tanks also do more damage the closer you are to them.

Note:  Sonic tanks kill guild very nicely, but these units are so deadly to friendly units.  Putting sonic tanks inside your base is asking for trouble.  When a sonic tank fires inside your base, EVERYTHING in its path- including your own units and buildings- will take damage.  I have yet to find one reason why atreides should ever build sonic tanks.  The only possible use I can see for them is against an ordos player who is using a lot of kobras.  Otherwise they arent worth it.

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