This slideshow was only meant to show you how powerful devastators are against minos.   Obviously a good atreides player is going to protect his minos a little better than we just saw.   Most likely, he will have drones around the map.  These drones will pose a great threat to your carryalls and your ability to move devastators around.    This is one reason why whenever I make devastators,  I always make sard elites with Harkonnen.   If you are having problems with drones, there are several ways for you to overcome this.   Keep in mind these two tips:

Adv caryalls are fast units.  They move faster then drones do.  

An atreides player is just a human.   He cannot watch everything you do at all times- esp if you drop multiple devastators in multiple areas at the same time.

By dropping 2 or more devastators on different spots in the map, it is too hard for any player to micro manage his drones to go after  different caryalls going in different directions.   

Always keep an eye on your opponents drones.    Devastators are anti-air units as well.  You can drop a Dev on the outside area of a drone patrol and kill the drone, then pick up your dev again.  

Other tips:

1.  A mino cost 1300.  A dev cost 1750.  All you need to do is kill 2 minos with your dev and you are ahead!   So if sard elites or fremen are coming after your dev, just get 2 minos and it pays for itself.  

2.  Minos are SLOW UNITS.  Atreides opponents will often move a group of minos from POINT A to POINT B.  THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO DEV DROP!  Like a bunch of ants moving in a line, drop your devastator(s) near some MOVING minos, and you will see a great entertaining show.      Dont forget to use your BUZZSAWS to mow down sard elites or fremen that are moving with the minos.

3.  Watch your opponent!

4.  Watch your opponent!  I cant emphasize this enough.  Too often people just concentrate on their own base and neglect to see what their opponent is doing.  This is why you die.

5.  If kindjal are deployed around minos, use catapults to kill the kindjal, then drop devs by the minos.





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